英語の勉強が苦手な人へ “To Those Who Struggle with Studying English”


























1. 英語の勉強ってなかなかやる気が出ない問題


2. これまでに試した4つのタイミング

  • ①仕事・学校の後の食事後: ご飯を食べた後はもう眠くて、英語のテキストを見るだけで夢の中…。
  • ②昼休み: ほっと一息ついたところで勉強するのは結構大変。周りの誘惑も多いし、なかなか集中できません。
  • ③仕事・学校の後の食事前: お腹が空いていると集中できなくて、結局食べることばっかり考えちゃうんです。
  • ④間食をした後: お腹は満たされていても、なんだかエネルギーが足りなくて、やる気が続かない。

3. 朝の時間を活用してみると…


4. 無理なく続けるためのコツ


5. まとめとおすすめ



When it comes time to study English, whether you’re a student or a working professional, it’s often hard to get motivated.

Personally, whenever I tried to study, I was hit with overwhelming drowsiness and ended up giving up countless times. I’ve tried many different approaches, and recently I found something that actually worked for me, which I’d like to share.

It’s simply using a little bit of time in the morning.

Here’s what I had tried before:

  1. After finishing work (or school) and dinner:
    • After finishing work, preparing dinner, eating, and cleaning up, I was too exhausted. Just glancing at English text made me fall asleep instantly…
  2. During lunch breaks:
    • After a busy morning at work or school, you’re taking a breather. Some people can keep going, but for those who can’t, it can be really discouraging. There are lots of distractions, and relying on sheer willpower takes too much energy.
  3. Before dinner after work (or school):
    • I couldn’t focus because I was too hungry. It’s been a long time since lunch, and although some people can concentrate on an empty stomach, I couldn’t. My brain was still working hard from the day, and all I could think about was food.
  4. After having a snack after work (or school):
    • My stomach was full, so I could sit down to study, but I was already out of energy, and my motivation and willpower were drained. If you’re still full of energy after work, you can probably manage without overthinking it.

After trying all four options, I gave up. No matter when I tried, I was always too tired to approach it positively, and I felt like I was stuck.

For those who are like me, you might wonder why only you can’t do it, or feel like you need to push yourself harder because others are managing. But in reality, I was just wearing myself down repeatedly.

And then, I discovered the power of morning study.

I know that sounds fancy, but really, it’s just that I tried studying in the morning and it worked.

Honestly, my body just naturally started waking up early, like around 6 a.m. Since I had some extra time, I figured, “Why not read some English?” When I tried it, I didn’t get sleepy, and the content seemed to stick in my head more easily.

What I realized is that things that didn’t work before could be much easier if you just change the time or order you do them.

The key is not to push your body too hard and find the method that feels the easiest for you. That’s how you keep going!

If you’re too tired to do anything at night, you don’t need to wake up super early. Just try waking up 10 minutes earlier and spend that time on English.

After doing it for about a month, if it feels comfortable, try waking up a bit earlier. For those who can handle studying in the morning, it’s much easier, more enjoyable, and more comfortable than struggling through an hour of study at night!

If you’re someone who wants to give it your best but is always too exhausted, I hope this helps!