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Without realizing it, you begin to question the purpose and forget your original intention, deciding that it was a waste. But what lies ahead if you continue? Once you decide to do something, you must keep trying until you monetize it, constantly improving along the way.

In this era, where technology advances rapidly and countless similar things flood the market, it’s easy to get lost. If you don’t cultivate your ability to judge, it’s fun, but you need to reflect on the level you’re seeking. You are investing time in things. Rather than doing many things, you need to face each task carefully, adding your own essence and attention to detail. When you accumulate these efforts and surpass a certain level, you’ll be able to create something meaningful.

Right now, without any thought or improvement, it’s just “doing it.” What you’re doing doesn’t accumulate, and it becomes a waste of life. If that’s the case, maybe doing something fun would be better.

Spend a lot of time working on what you’re passionate about, trying new ideas and putting in effort. People’s opinions change all the time, and that’s not a bad thing, but if you change your actions based on that every time, you’ll become unstable. It may feel good at the moment, but when you look back later, you’ll realize you haven’t accumulated anything, and that reality will be waiting for you.

If you get the chance to realize it before that, you’ll be okay.

No matter what the result is, choosing a stable path brings comfort and maintains social standing. For people who prefer living in such environments, there’s no better place. There’s no need to stray from the path, and whether you consider it a risk or not varies from person to person.

Because we don’t know what will happen, we take risks and step outside. The more you learn, the more you’ll realize that it’s not as risky as it seems.

It’s only because there are people telling you, “It’s risky!” that you can think carefully until it’s appropriate and then take on that risk. Only those who can handle it will enjoy the sweet rewards. Of course, it’s not all positive. Even if it swings negative, that time or those lessons can become an important part of rising and learning.

By trying new things, new things will emerge from them. When you act and move forward without fully understanding, unexpected encounters and opportunities come your way. Even though it’s not for that specific moment, when you realize that everything you’ve done is rewarded, no matter the form, you’ll be glad you spent the time. It’s refreshing and interesting to be able to help someone like this.

Just knowing that even one person is out there like this gives me more joy than any amount of money.

It might have originally been imitation, but when I think that it has created demand in my own way, it becomes something deep. In a way, believing in completion and continuing until it’s recognized brings immense joy. If I had only created what was in demand, this might not have been born. By combining my originality with others’ ideas, the appeal only grows.

Sometimes it’s necessary to do everything yourself, but when you think calmly, it’s better to leave the parts you’re not good at to professionals. The more you delegate, the more your time and the quality of your work increase. Depending on the level of what you offer, if you aim for a higher level, you should discard the time spent on things you’re not good at and create an environment that fits what you do best. This way, the quality and the range you can reach will dramatically improve.

Things don’t always go well, and just because one person succeeded doesn’t mean the same will happen to you. Even if things are often unsuccessful, a small change in your approach can lead to dramatic improvements, and there are endless possibilities.

“This must be how it works.” Then, I’ll try it this way. Starting with imitation and then developing it, you can use it as an opportunity to create something meaningful. What can be imitated has no entry barriers, and there’s no differentiation or quality difference. It’s essentially an “anything goes” state.

When you think about it, maybe I knew this before trying, but by doing it, I figured out the method. It gave me the opportunity to think of a new approach and sparked new ideas. The feeling that what I had envisioned or planned doesn’t exist ahead of me. Not everything you spend time on will work out. By trying and moving forward, you begin to reflect, asking, “Does this have any meaning? Who is it helping?” This reflection becomes important. Rather than complaining while doing nothing, if something doesn’t work, go back to the beginning. Every action should be an improvement from the last.

You shouldn’t decide that your past actions were wasted. You moved forward believing they were necessary at the time, so appreciate that and connect those actions to your next step.

Whether something seems like a temporary failure or not, it will have a big impact on your future growth, depending on whether you can learn from it and use it as a foundation for the next action. If you use it well and analyze it, you can make new discoveries and turn that experience into an irreplaceable opportunity for your future.

Looking back, I haven’t been good at learning from my mistakes and using them to develop new ways of thinking or new actions. I simply repeated failures over and over. While I gained experience and insights from that, I didn’t use them to make better choices. Now, I’ve finally reached a stage where I can use each action as a stepping stone to connect them to results. If I had been able to use this experience earlier, I might not have reached what I’m seeking now. After trying so many things and continuing to act even when things didn’t go well, I’ve developed the mindset to move forward. That persistence and mindset were just the starting point for me. There’s no “right” or “wrong” time—everyone’s timing is different. Some may move forward slowly but deeply, while others might rush ahead only to realize it was too soon.

Since everyone is looking for different things, what works for one person may not work for another. Getting used to being praised can make you feel like you’re failing when things don’t go as expected. But perhaps most people don’t think this deeply. Looking back on all this time, at some point, I will be able to retrieve something significant. That moment when I say, “Thank you for sticking with me until the end,” will come, even though sometimes it’s hard to see the value of this time. Right now, I don’t understand it, but once the results come, everything will be rewarded. You can’t expect rewards if you don’t continue until the end. Otherwise, it will just end in brief suffering.

No matter how difficult or painful it is right now, your future self will thank you for sticking to the path you’ve chosen. Even if it’s tough for a while, as long as you don’t give up, there will be a moment when you look back and say, “Thank you for pushing through.”

Even if you end up taking a completely different path from others, all the events along that path are happening for a reason. You may not realize it at the time, but there’s no such thing as wasted time unless you decide it’s wasted. Those experiences are valuable opportunities to learn, and from them, you’ll make new discoveries.

Don’t bend your beliefs. No matter how awkward or how many failures you face, stay focused on what you need to do for those who believe in you. To not do so would be disrespectful to those who believe in you.

Above all, because you are valued, the best way to repay that is by realizing your dreams. Whether or not they come true, happiness is there for sure, but if you can, continue to chase those dreams and keep moving toward them, so that those who support you will see you striving.

Well then, let’s try just a little harder today.