

1. 相手の期待に振り回される自分を解放するには


2. 自分の基準を持つことの大切さ


3. 自分の課題と他人の課題を区別する方法


4. 選択の連続が人生を形作る


5. 他人を信じつつ自分を大切にする生き方










































There’s a part of me that expects too much from others and insists on “I would do it this way,” leading to strong doubts about why someone else didn’t. My preconceptions are too rigid, making me think that actions outside my expectations are inherently wrong, and as a result, I end up blaming both myself and others.

What is happening right now is, in fact, the best for me and provides numerous opportunities for self-reflection. Whether something seems good or bad at first glance, in the long run, everything happens at the right time and for a necessary reason.

And I am meeting the people I need to meet.

When you prioritize one person, another person inevitably gets deprioritized. That’s unavoidable, but it makes me worry about whom I should prioritize. I get caught up in others’ moods instead of focusing on what I truly want. I end up trying to find the best way not to upset the people around me.

I can’t always act in line with others’ expectations, yet I still try to meet them, and the stress from overthinking that gap is overwhelming.

“If I do this, then that will happen; if I do that, then this will happen.” Seeing both outcomes paralyzes me, and I develop a habit of surrendering my choices to fate. The habit of considering what’s truly the best way for me has completely fallen away, and I need to rethink it.

Otherwise, I end up controlling others or limiting their choices. Deciding what is better for someone else isn’t my role—that’s their decision to make. By assuming “this must be the right way,” I restrict both myself and others in their actions.

To avoid creating misunderstandings, I should express my thoughts honestly and choose what’s best for me. Instead of “this is just how it turned out,” I used to have the capacity to enjoy things even when they didn’t go as planned.

It’s all about perspective, isn’t it? In that sense, having room to adapt seems better.

I often feel frustrated because I have a strong sense of what I think is “right,” but I struggle to communicate the reasons behind it. It’s not so much a matter of differing approaches to consideration, but I want to reduce these misalignments.

Ultimately, clarifying my own standards will reduce the stress of trying to accommodate others or overthinking situations. I’m probably bitter about putting in effort that goes unacknowledged. Mutual appreciation, like “thank you for being considerate,” is the foundation of pleasant interactions.

That said, it’s also clear that I’m the one who’s placing the highest expectations on others—expecting kindness and consideration.

“If they do it, I’ll do it too.” I end up completely delegating everything to them, adopting a stance of “I’m not at fault because it’s up to them.”

Instead, regardless of what the other person does, I will do what I believe is right.

I shouldn’t let someone else’s mood or attitude dictate my own. As long as I do what I need to, that should be enough. If I hand over responsibility for my mood to someone else, I might never experience consistent happiness.

There’s no need to wait for someone to cheer me up, nor does it matter if someone is upset or dissatisfied—that’s entirely unrelated to me. They feel that way because they choose to, and it’s not something I can—or need to—control.

What is it, I wonder? Whenever I try to act on my thoughts, things seem to take a wrong turn or meet opposition.

If this is the best outcome, what fun things can I think of right now?

When I assert my own will, people say, “Consult me.” When I try to consult them, they say, “What’s your decision?” Again, it circles back to whether I have a clear will of my own.

Shifting responsibility onto others is just a way to avoid facing my own decisions.

Am I late in consulting others? I hear so many comments, but when it gets to the core issue, people avoid giving clear answers, hiding behind phrases like “You’ll realize it eventually.”

Maybe I just need some time to calm down and reflect.

It’s not about who’s right or wrong, but right now, neither of us seems to be in a balanced state. It feels like I’m making choices out of contrarian stubbornness. Is that truly what I want? Or am I just reacting to circumstances?

Instead of being overly influenced by someone else’s reactions, I need to focus on how I feel about their responses.

Where are their emotions coming from? I want to have calm conversations like, “This is what’s happening—what do you think?” Then ideally, the other person would respond, “Oh, that’s what you meant. Then this approach might work better!” and we could move forward smoothly.

If that’s not happening, then something must be unresolved.

Within anger or strong emotions, there’s usually an ideal they’re aiming for. If I’m the one who wanted this reality, what am I trying to tell myself? There are so many things I want to do, things the other person wants to do, and they don’t always align. I don’t need to over-accommodate, and it’s undeniable that I’m allowed to choose what I want.

Each of us has our own priorities, and choosing what aligns with my happiness, without being swayed by someone else’s emotions, is perfectly fine. Investing a little time now for the sake of future happiness is crucial, but I need to ensure my standards don’t deviate.

Most people’s actions likely stem from goodwill, but I don’t need to follow every suggestion to the letter.

For now, what I should do is focus on what I need to accomplish. If distractions prevent me from concentrating on what I want, that’s on me.

By doing so, no matter the situation, I can proceed at my own pace, identifying what’s necessary along the way. That’s the norm here. The broader the world gets, the more we’ll find people saying, “That’s a valid way to think.” I need to place myself in such an environment.

Once I make a decision, all that’s left is to move forward and focus. By shortening the time spent hesitating, I can keep advancing, regardless of the results. I’ll take each outcome as it comes, reflect on the decisions that led to it, and as long as I understand my own reasoning, I’ll keep moving forward positively.

What can I realistically solve? What lies beyond my control? Misjudging this leads to wasted energy. In a way, isn’t that arrogance?

Thinking I can meddle with everything, that everything depends on me—it’s exhausting to struggle with what I can’t control, and it affects others too. That’s not what I want.

By acknowledging others’ perspectives while evaluating what I can control and exploring approaches I can try, I might expand my boundaries or narrow the scope of my worries.

This way, I’ll understand the deeper aspects of my world, and as I deepen myself, I’ll be able to interact with the world more gently. If that happens, perhaps the world will become kinder for me—and for everyone.

At some point, I feel like I lost touch with kindness.

Or is it a matter of asking, “What is kindness in the first place?” I might be overthinking this, but in the end, it’s about wanting people to choose for themselves and communicate their intentions, isn’t it?